

I love hearing what other people have to say when I'm buying something, so that is what I created here... 

A few excerpts from emails that I receive from wonderful moms just like yourself. 
These moms are using our plans and this is what they have to say...

"These lesson plans have changed the way that I teach my children and I finally have a grasp on how to work it into my teaching! Thank you so much for answered prayers and less tears and stress coming from me! My family thanks you!"

-Amber W.

"Keep up the good makes the homeschooling process fun and enjoyable for a first timer!"

"I recently found your newly created lesson plans and I cannot tell how lovely they are.  This is our first year at CC (our 3rd year as homeschoolers) and as a former teacher myself I was feeling like.....this is awesome, I love it but there has to be something more.  There has to be a way to incorporate all the activities I wish we were doing along with the memory pegs.  I want to expand upon our learning and I need objectives and lesson plans and most importantly I need to find ideas---quickly without my husband wondering why I am spending soooo much time on the computer and not with him!!  Hooray, you are an answer to prayer.  I cannot wait to see the rest of the weeks.  Thus, far...this has been our BEST week of CC yet!  The kids and I have made the paper plate globe and eaten "boiled egg inner earth”, we made our gallon man, and we had a great afternoon re-enacting the playmobile people Berbers trading gold in a pan filled with Epson salt with hidden golden rocks (nuggets, of course!)"

"Everything was precise, laid out and concise....meaning we were not overwhelmed and could still accomplish our Math and Language Arts lesson.  With these simple additions, our Memory work this week has become a breeze!! And I did not feel like a slave to the computer searching and searching for books, activities, etc.  THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
I am so excited to see the other lessons...
Again, I am sooo looking forward to NEXT WEEK!! As are my 3 girls! 
I know it is because of YOU....but we’ll keep that little secret at least with THEM, ok???"

"Hi there!  I was very blessed to find your blog!  Your lesson plans are amazing!!! "

"Can I say it again? Thank you. All your work is such an immense gift...serving as a wonderful launch pad for creativity and connection with the memory work we're doing. It is what I would love to have time to make happen but simply can't. Thank you for helping me feel that much more success and encouragement in my first year of homeschooling. I'll keep recommending your resources to others!"
- Carrie M

I will add more in time, but these are just a few of the many emails I love receiving. Thank you so much for letting me know how these help you and your family.

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