
Friday, August 24, 2012

The Easiest Man Made Fertile Crescent

So how in the world does a three and four year old get the concept of the fertile crescent?

Make them into it!

Now if you are teaching CC you won't need and explanation of this Fertile Crescent... But just in case your mind needs a little help-

Blue Blanket- Mediterranean Sea
Tony- Euphrates River
Lucy- Tigris River
Pink Blanket ( also know as Mei Mei) Mesopotamia
Puppet- Eve, with her apple, snake and other animals ( Adam is MIA)
Tower- Location of Tower of Babel ( Or somewhat close)

Not to scale- but you get the point!

I'd love to see anyone else's 3D Kid version of this. This is when I wish we had 5 kids in the family. :) Think of the picture that could be. :)

Have fun!

Have a great weekend! We are hoping to dodge Isaac. This momma is sooo glad we aren't driving half an hour to a preschool next week!


  1. I love this. My kids are much older, but would still love this activity. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Anne, if you do it, will you send me your picture? I'd love to post a long view of everyone's fertile crescent. :)
