
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 5, Getting in the jive...

So it's week 5 for us next week and I can't believe it. Hard to imagine it's been over a month of this and yet I'm so happy we made the decision to homeschool. If you are like me, you are just now feeling like we are getting into our groove.

When I was a teacher, we had a saying that we didn't really start teaching till October. The weeks prior were just getting into routine and training them procedures; ie: bathroom breaks, classroom management, homework return, etc. For most teachers, this is the time they actually sit down and assess the kids (right before conferences) to find out which kids go in which reading group. Sad but true, most just don't have time until then.

With that said, I'm so glad that we are not there. We are getting into our grove, but I know exactly where my children are academically and I know exactly what we have been doing for the last 5 weeks.

But- if you were to peek inside my house you would think we're a bunch of "messies." Except of course on Saturdays- which is when I catch up. From Monday to Friday it seems like a tornado hit. My house, my dining room table, my laundry room, all feel the effect of the week. So this week I'm posting ideas of how to stay organized during the day and how to get a good routine going throughout the crazy hours... afternoon and on.

Here's what we use posted on our fridge to help me stay organized. And before you read, yes it is super detailed. That's how I like things. I need to feel like I get a lot accomplished in an hour so I put down everything I did in a day, a week, and a month. You can customize it to whatever your needs are: carpooling, going to CC, practice schedule, etc. This is just for me to read, not my kid's chore list. I post that up too. I try to put the scripture and any fun pictures of the week to keep my mind and heart on all that really matters. The key is small manageable things to do each day that keep the ship running. :)

I changed the details as this is still the internet and want to be safe with what I post. :)

But regardless I think you can get the over all idea. It is made in Power Point, so if you want to use it, click save as and save it as a doc in powerpoint. I think this should work, if not comment and I will send you the file via e-mail.

Now, I never have had one week where I accomplish everything on my lists. But this just helps me stay organized and keep the housework manageable. For those of us that have adult ADD, this is a great way to keep me moving and feel that sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Hopefully it's a blessing to you and hopefully this just gets us all into a better groove for the rest of the stuff that we are in charge of.

I also post a menu for the week on the fridge, which I will post up next. When I can follow both lists I am rocking! Hope you have an awesome week!

Blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to tell me I need to clean house? Huh? yeah, adult A.D.D. That's me, right?! I know you're talking to me...
    tu prima!
