
Sunday, October 14, 2012

I caaannn't HEARRR you!!!

So here comes Monday... Are you ready? I'm not! Oh, how I'm just not a great Monday person.

But anyhow- while I was cleaning my disgusting floors I listened to Focus on the Family Podcasts- it keeps my spirits up (since I hate cleaning. )

If you have a smart phone- I would highly recommend the Daily Broadcast App. It's such a great resource at the tip of my fingers. It's the third app down on the page... so keep scrolling.

Over the years, I've heard many broadcasts and just had to share this one. It's a former police officer then teacher who explains the personality of a "Strong Willed Child." It has two parts, and is worth the entire time! You can download the app and then hear it or just play it right off your computer with the following links:

Now, I'm not saying I have a "Strong Will Child"- well ok, I guess I might have one- alright I know I have one and I know where she gets it from- her father- alright- it's from me. My family might call me out on this one- so I better fess up before the stories appear in the comments.

I know why I have her- because my mother always said she hoped I had a child just like me one day and whala- I had her. I know here personality is going to be used for the glory of God one day, and i know she will be an awesome leader when she follows Him. I know all that, but some days I just want to pull my hair out. And even though I claim her 99% of the time, I wish I didn't understand her and still have a strong will too. But I do. I totally get it- however- have totally gotten it wrong on the parenting spectrum. Evidently, we never grow out of this. And although my family rarely sees me stomp my feet and throw myself down as I would when I was her age, I still verbally have them once and a while- so this is good for me to even understand me. :)

So if you have a toddler, school age, preteen, teenager, adult child- they touch on all aspects of parenting. It's great for even care givers or grandparents as she just gives very practical tips on how not to lose but to make everyone feel like they are understood and to keep the relationship in tack. Ok, did I leave anyone out? I don't think so...

If you listen to it will you post a comment so I can get your take on it. I love discussion, so maybe we can start an encouraging one. :)

And here is more link to a free Veggie Tales Superhero Parenting Kit. Super fun I didn't know this even existed! But hey, free? How can I resist?

I hope you guys all have a wonderful Monday! I will post again on Tuesday after we do our India lesson for the week.

Many blessings your way!

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