
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lesson 16 Done!

Ok, as promised I have the next week ready. 
In Lesson 16, I included pictures, gave you a links page (separate from the others), and more.

Plus I already have a super fun week planned for 17. I'm really excited for the next couple of weeks! I've added more hands on activities and cooking. Lesson 17 is coming up shortly after. We have some sweet friends coming to visit, so I will only answer emails at night while they are here. Hopefully I should have Lesson 17 ready by mid week. 

 We had a busier than normal week. Without boring you with the details, I'll just tell you I apologize for not having both ready the same day. However, I feel really good about what I found for this week and I think you will like (maybe even love it) as much as me. 

The last time I sold plans, it was kinda a test run to see who would buy and how things worked out with the pay pal button. Well, I'm learning a lot! I know there were some people that lost the link once they paid. It's a bit tricky if you click out, it closes it completely. If that happens again, please do not worry. Just contact me via email: and I will send you the link. I usually send the links within the day.  If it's needed right at that moment- just put "urgent" in the subject box. 

Also, I am trying something new. I'm charging for 17 and 18 as well as to mainstream you needing to come back to the site and reorder. Once you order the plans, you will automatically be on my future mailing list and receive supplemental materials and future plans as I make them available. 
Great, right?
Lastly,  please enter your friend's name (of who referred you to our lesson plans) to place them in a drawing for the next round of lesson plans. If it was a blog, just type the blog name abbreviated in the box.
For Example: "Half 100 Acres" for

I hope you are enjoying these as much as our family. There is a sweet peace in being prepared. I never thought I'd say that, but it's true. 

Ok, time to get to bed! 


For those of you that would like to read more. Here's a detailed review Brandy Ferrel at Half a Hundred Acre Woods wrote up. 


  1. Just down loaded week 16! I did want to let you know that the colored version is damaged and won't download. The BW is fine.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I'll look into it and see what I can do. I will resend you a new color one ASAP. :)

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