I mentioned our glyph project earlier, and now it's finally up and running on our site.
Background on the glyphs- they are coded pictures that represent information.
Since we find hieroglyphs in Mesoamerica, I thought this would be the time to bring them in.
When I was first teaching in KS, we would do glyphs every month, and the kids always made data graphs representing the information. Well, since I love hearing from you guys I thought it would be appropriate to have some glyphs from your children.
So here is the coding in case you want to join in on the fun.
And here are the fabulous glyphs we have received so far (in no particular order)...

Aren't these the best? A couple of these were when I was silly and had asked everyone to make 16 steps for the midwest... since then I modified not thinking we would have to fit so many in the first level. Anyhow... I absolutely love seeing this online bulletin board.
To view the rest of any additional glyphs and the data that go along with them, go to our glyph page.
Thank you all for being such a wonderful group of parents and working hard with your kiddos to make the memory work come alive and meaningful for them.
If you would like some additional activities for older kids regarding graphs I will post that on our glyph page. If you do send them one in, please send me the data along with the picture- as I want to make sure I get your information correct.
Also, I've added the booklist for Lesson 18 for those of you that like to reserve copies at your libraries. Plus, I'm doing a book giveaway. Because I'll admit... I am a nerd and I love books!
In order to enter, post a comment on this post about one thing you love about our lesson plans and/ or this site. I want to stream line them a bit more for week 19-24, so I need to know what the essentials are to keep.
Post your favorite thing about them or your favorite resource on the blog.
FB comments count as an entry as well. You can post multiple times if you have more to add, each comment counts as an entry. In doing so you will be allowing me to post your comment on our testimonials page (if you wish to give a positive about them).
Then on Feb 14th, I will announce the winner by a random number widget and the book will be yours shortly after.
What book am I giving away, you ask?
Only the best book I've found about Ancient Civilizations... It's on my book list for Lesson 18.
It's a hard cover, spiral bound treasure, with plastic overlay pages, and an interactive CD with Maps and photos of many of the sites we've studied. Seriously... can anyone say, "Jackpot!"
Now let's just hope it comes in the mail soon... I so love books!
Go here for the list and the detailed review that it has on Amazon.
Last but not least, has anyone heard of the map maker kits by National Geographic? AMMMAAAZZING!
They offer FREE maps for us to create and use and you can customize maps with words, location markers. They offer them in different sizes- wall maps, one page maps, table maps, all regions, all countries, states, you name it they have it and it's all free!
Seriously, can this site get any better?
Here is the site for regular one page maps and here is the link for bigger maps... but beware, once you get on there, you might be on for hours... I "heart" National Geographic.
Did I mention they offer ocean maps too??? Oh where were you NG when we first started CC??? This is becoming a permanent tab on my bookmark list!
Blessings to you all!
PS: I look forward to many more glyphs and displaying our kids' work throughout the blog.
After all, this is all done for them.
My email is ccingit@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like me to add your child's to our online bulletin board.
PSS: Lesson 17 is out, if you didn't receive it, please email me. Lesson 18 is coming soon. If you ordered they will be in your inbox by this Saturday. I will post when I send it just to make sure everyone gets them right away. For lessons 19-24, we will go a different route (I've learned a lot) and you will get them digitally immediately after you order from a password protected site.
I pray it would go much smoother...
thank you all for your patience and understanding with working out the kinks.
Your lesson plans are amazing! I love them:)
ReplyDeleteThe lesson plans are just what I needed! I am not real good at writing it all down so I love how it's all laid out by each day and I have concrete objectives on paper! Your resources are fabulous and it saves me a ton of time! Thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! I've been visiting it since we started the 2nd half of our CC year, and I have been inspired by your ideas and techniques. Thank you for sharing so much great information with the CC community! Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeletei really enjoy the book lists! they greatly help me prepare by using our local library!
ReplyDeletei also like how you organized each day by subjects. i am also new to cc this year. i was trying to figure out the best way to introduce all the material.
ReplyDeleteI really like the book list and find it very helpful in organizing my books I get from the library. To be honest, I don't even look at the objectives. Too much detail for me!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your lesson plans and the objectives that go with them. I write them on my white board, and it keeps us on track. Thanks for all you do to keep the online CC community going, Crecia!! Love you, girl!
ReplyDeletewhat a jewel your blog has been! I've only been following your blog since this 2nd semester of CC and I'm LOVING it. The Lesson plans, the book lists and your ongoing resources! Thanks a ton!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog and your ideas...I'm trying to get in a routine with 5 kiddos and your blog is helping...Thank you!
ReplyDeleteShelly Hambrick
Thank you for your blog...I am trying to get into a routine with 5 kiddos...Love your ideas!
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that they are 3 days of material. This gives me one day to review and focus on other areas of our education.
ReplyDeleteThe different age group goals is key. I have a 5 YO and want to do activities with him. This allows me to pick what he can do and skip stuff for older children.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your lesson plans!! They have been such a blessing! My favorite part is how you set it up for a 3 day week and each day covers one topic. My second favorite is the book list. It is so user friendly!! Also, love the craft list and websites!! Thank you for all your hard work in helping us CC mommas!!
ReplyDeleteYour lesson plans have saved me so much time! The thing my daughter and I like the very most is all the active weblinks to informational, interactive sites and already-checked out youtube videos AND the craft ideas! Sorry that I couldn't narrow it down to one thing, as we enjoy them so much and bless you for offering them to us! : )
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say what I like the most, but the book lists are amazing, the objectives give me a measuring stick, and the links take some pressure off by letting someone else do some teaching! Thank you for all your work!
ReplyDeletei thought of another thing. we really enjoy the craft list you provide with all the supplies needed. my kids just love to learn by doing it themselves. i feel like those are the times i really see their lightbulbs turn on!
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying the lesson plans so much. I like how you have designed it to get in depth with 1 or 2 aspects a day and for only 3 days as we only have a 4 day school week in our family. On the book list I use my kindle fire for most of our extra reading and would love to know what books are available in kindle format.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, your plans and your ideas! Your work is a great resource to me. Thank You!