
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 23 Science

I love clouds! I mean who doesn't love staring up at them and picking out shapes? I loved doing this when I was a kid and love doing it now. So I thought about a fun way to review clouds by making cloud hats. I was hoping they would turn out to look like Martha Stewart hats, as with all things my visions of grandeur that exist in my mind.

Here's what they turned out looking like.
 In hindsight the paint took a whole night to dry, so I would maybe just glue and chalk the plates afterwards (if you are short on time. ) Much easier and you can finish it in about 15 minutes tops. 

I stapled two dinner sized paper plates (outward facing) and punched holes in the side to pull through ribbon or yarn. Easy weesey! The kids danced around and ran throughout the room as the wind (blew them every which way). This was their favorite parts. If you had enough kids to wear them all at once, you could review the memory work as they jump up and down when you call them out. You can also make these in variations and just make these as breast plates, cloud shields, whatever your heart desires.

My husband came home just in time to take a picture for us. 

Next we ended the day with making it rain. I found this on Pinterest. If you do this, you might think of adding an equal amount of water to your food coloring (just a few drops of water) so the food coloring has a bit more weight. Otherwise, poke a hole through your shaving cream to help the coloring get there faster.

Great visual for rain... and afterwards the kids mixed and played with the jars for about 20 minutes while I got lunch ready. Clean up was a breeze. Gotta love a quick project like this.

Alright tomorrow is our SOTW Co-Op. I look forward to posting some of what we do. 
If you have any questions about the above projects, juts let me know and I'd be happy to answer soon.

Blessings to you all!

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