
Busy 3yr olds

So often I get asked what do I do with Lucy when I teach Tony. First off Lucy sits down with us for our Morning work from the very get go. She has gotten use to it because when she was 2 yrs old I gave her a place and taught her how to sit and listen then. Now she is a girl, so I realize most 2 yr old boys do not sit for 20 minutes, heck, not even 10 or 5. But I started off small and grew in increments.

This page is dedicated to her...
It's for all of you moms that have way too little time to waste and need quick easy activities to keep the 3 yr olds in your house who are busy at the table learning alongside your older kids. First I will start off with my objectives.

The main objectives I have for Lucy this year are:
-Learning her letters and sounds
-Learning how to count verbally 1-20
-Learning how to manipulate small objects
-Using scissors, glue and a pencil
-Following two step directions
-Singing or participating in group things when asked
-Know her colors
-Know her basic shapes

Jan 24, 2013

I wanted her to use the objects and sound out  the beginning sound for each thing. This is a pre reading skill as it gets them ready for hearing sounds in a word and also decoding sounds in books. So anytime you are at the store, waiting make it a game. Start sounding a word and see if they can guess the letter.
After they can do that, sound out C- A- R instead of staying it, then they guess what you are saying by "blending"- another great pre reading strategy.

We mixed them all up and she had to sound them out to know where they belong.

Here she is practicing her letters, with this book.

Jan 18, 2013

Here's a table chart I got from Amazon over the break. I also bought the beginning sounds cards to go with it. At this stage I have her just "matching" up letters with their "families."

Here's what the cards look like on one side without the letters and on the other they have the matching picture and letter. The first step is letter identification. After she recognizes that I will work on sounds with her.

Next I always try to incorporate some kind of counting or manipulating activity for her. I really want her to work on those fine motor skills that will be so helpful for writing in the coming years.

In this activity I bought the rainbow GoldFish and had her sort them by color, then we arranged by most to least and last made patterns.

Here she is making a pattern for them. Red, Red, Green, Green.

Last up I always have materials for her to experiment/ play with when it comes to our work for the week. The only difference is I don't require her to sit and listen to the websites if she doesn't want to or to write out any reflection pieces. In this picture they are both doing an experiment with rocks.

For more Reading Activities click here and scroll down, if you are looking for more written resources for younger ones, click here.

I plan to update this page weekly with activities to incorporate in their everyday.

If you have any questions, 
I'm available at 



  1. Love this topic! I always am looking for ideas. I also copied down your goals for my 3 yr old. Thank you!

    1. Oh I'm so glad to hear this helps. Although its not perfect, it's a start. I forgot to talk about colors and basic shapes as well. :)
