
Reading Activities

So here are some reading activities that I'm wanting to keep logged for myself and for others.

Hopscotch Reading

So regardless of what they are needing to learn, this is a simple activity to get them moving and learning at the same time. Especially helpful for my sweet boy. But hey, let's face it hop scotch is just fun for all!

I used painter's tape, but since then have thought you could just paint on fabric and place it on a carpet. You could use sticks, yarn, string, pipe cleaners, anything!

Then I wrote the 10 site words we have been working on these past 5 weeks and wha la! A fun game ready to play. I think he might of forgotten he was reading. :)

This activity is great because you can use it for any kind of recall, memory work, numbers, letters, spelling, oh the list goes on and on...

Hope this gets you hopping!

Playdo Letter Plates

Here is a version of play do mats that can be later used to flip over and do the matching lowercase letters. It's great for learning how to roll out dough and for my little tactile learner. 

Using our Leap Frog Game...

 First I had him put them in order. 
Then we put his words he's been working on with his reading program. He placed them in his reading jet and it sounds it out for him.

Uppercase/ Lowercase Spoons

Here are my pictures...

In case you didn't notice, I don't teach the alphabet in normal order. We do this for many reasons. One of which is the normal order can get entirely confusing. B's and D's taught close too each other are tricky. E and F look similar, I and J the same thing. So I teach them in this order. 






It's really up to you, I also say teaching by significance is important. So in each grouping I make sure they know which letter is their letter, their sibling's name, etc.


  1. I bought my spoons at the grocery store today and will be doing this with Hunter tomorrow. I'm always looking for ideas to help that child!


  2. This is going to be perfect for my 4 year old who really has no interest in anything but playing. Thank you!

    1. That's awesome. Did you by any chance see my comment on the lesson plans? I hope so. :)

      Thanks again for your comments. They always lift me day. :)

  3. Do you have any recommendations on a reading curriculum for a 13 y.o. who continues to read with poor comprehension and labored reading skills.
