It's ok though, I just took time to do things this week that I didn't have time for last. We went to the library, worked on our memory work some more and I got a better taste of how some logistics were going to work. Homeschooling is not the easy way out- that's for sure!
As I was talking to a friend today I realized that CC can be done in so many ways- it's amazing! I love the way it offers a springboard for some and goals for others. For example how we set up our classroom can vary. My kitchen table doubles as my classroom and I cart out binders and file holders filled with all the curriculum of the day.
Here is my CC project that took some time thinking thru...
My precious memory board that my husband helped me hang in our play room. I can send dimensions to anyone interested, but the whole thing cost me around $30! I used a "Cricket" and scrap booking paper I already had. We had to buy the screws and their cover ups. The board is hard plastic they sell at Lowe's (plexi glass?). I love it because it has dividers and color to it and is able to be removed without any significant damage to the wall when we head to our next stop. If I had to do it over I would add a screw to the middle. Other than that, I love love love it!
A picture of Week 2 Memory Work! :)
Can I just say again how much I love CC's standards? I'm learning so much as I teach them.
Ok and without further ado, I have the file ready for the Ten Commandments Lap Book. I retyped out the verses to match CC's language so the kids had that instead of another version.
But... because I'm new to blogspot, I can't quite figure out how to attach files. Anyone reading this who knows let me know, please! If you want the file leave a comment with your email and I will attach it that way.
Have a great night!
Yeah, It's Friday tomorrow!