
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 2! Oh wait, no CC?

Well, due to inclement weather we had to have a break from CC.

It's ok though, I just took time to do things this week that I didn't have time for last. We went to the library, worked on our memory work some more and I got a better taste of how some logistics were going to work. Homeschooling is not the easy way out- that's for sure!

As I was talking to a friend today I realized that CC can be done in so many ways- it's amazing! I love the way it offers a springboard for some and goals for others. For example how we set up our classroom can vary. My kitchen table doubles as my classroom and I cart out binders and file holders filled with all the curriculum of the day.

Here is my CC project that took some time thinking thru...

My precious memory board that my husband helped me hang in our play room. I can send dimensions to anyone interested, but the whole thing cost me around $30! I used a "Cricket" and scrap booking paper I already had. We had to buy the screws and their cover ups. The board is hard plastic they sell at Lowe's (plexi glass?). I love it because it has dividers and color to it and is able to be removed without any significant damage to the wall when we head to our next stop. If I had to do it over I would add a screw to the middle. Other than that, I love love love it!

A picture of Week 2 Memory Work! :)

Can I just say again how much I love CC's standards? I'm learning so much as I teach them.

Ok and without further ado, I have the file ready for the Ten Commandments Lap Book. I retyped out the verses to match CC's language so the kids had that instead of another version.

But... because I'm new to blogspot, I can't quite figure out how to attach files. Anyone reading this who knows let me know, please! If you want the file leave a comment with your email and I will attach it that way.

Have a great night!

Yeah, It's Friday tomorrow!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Easiest Man Made Fertile Crescent

So how in the world does a three and four year old get the concept of the fertile crescent?

Make them into it!

Now if you are teaching CC you won't need and explanation of this Fertile Crescent... But just in case your mind needs a little help-

Blue Blanket- Mediterranean Sea
Tony- Euphrates River
Lucy- Tigris River
Pink Blanket ( also know as Mei Mei) Mesopotamia
Puppet- Eve, with her apple, snake and other animals ( Adam is MIA)
Tower- Location of Tower of Babel ( Or somewhat close)

Not to scale- but you get the point!

I'd love to see anyone else's 3D Kid version of this. This is when I wish we had 5 kids in the family. :) Think of the picture that could be. :)

Have fun!

Have a great weekend! We are hoping to dodge Isaac. This momma is sooo glad we aren't driving half an hour to a preschool next week!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

This is why...

So it's 12:30 and I just have to say... I have dinner ready (crock pot), the kids have been taught, two loads of laundry are done, lunch has been served, dishes are done, and clothes are put away.

This is why I wanted to homeschool. Because I knew my productivity would increase if I didn't have to leave the house. I knew our mornings would be a lot more educational because I could structure it so.

So attached is the website I found to teach Tony about the Sumerians this morning.

It's great for small succinct info and has power points that are easily seen on the iPad.

Below is a picture of Tony working on his Tower of Babel. Now granted its a leaning tower, but atleast he got a 3D concept. Although it's not Pinterest worthy, I'm just glad we fit it in yesterday.


Below is the finished products with bricks and buckets they carried up the tower. 
Oh how I love this boy. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Such is "my" life...

So today as I read through the FB posts of all my friends taking their kids to school and imagining once again the lump in my throat that would surface as I thought about this year's school choices. I was so relieved to say I had none of that.

I simply had a joy and a peace as we scooted off to CC today. There were the usual things that accompany my life, children changing clothes 3 times before we walk out the door, me forgetting to put my contacts in as I drive with my scratched up glasses, and of course arriving the fashionable 10 minutes late.

But all in all, I was content in my heart.

It just goes to show that when you are doing God's will, your heart knows it best of all.

On the way over I did realize however that I was on the wrong week of planning for CC. So forgive me veteran CCers, I had no clue the tutors introduce. I was thinking they were reviewing and I was a week behind. Oh how thankful I am for Lis who explains all the ins and outs to me.

So without further ado, here is a great lapbook I found for us this week! Yeah! I am on week 1!

I'm pretty sure everyone else in the world has heard of this site, but I just thought I'd throw it out there in case you haven't. Now since CC is using the old english, I only printed out the picture cards and I did that in BW. Lis, are you proud or what?

So tomorrow while I search for more fun things to do this week, I will have something for Tony to do! Lapbook countdown begin! Hopefully this one will be done before the end of next week.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

So for a while now, home schooling has been a brewing in my heart and head. Well let's face it- either you want to or you don't and I just had to convince my husband I could do it and do it well.

We have our very first day tomorrow and I am up at 1:43 am looking up classifications and assyrian empire maps!

How did this happen?

Regardless, I just had to start this blog to share this information. Just in case there is someone else out there feeling the pressure of teaching my 4 year old how to classify living things. When I was four I was still trying to figure out how to tie my shoes, and was no way trying to classify. But I'm in!

I mean really, if this thing works (homeschooling) than I'm going to be the biggest advocate out there.

Now to my great links of the evening... as I know that is what you are here for...

This offers what it says a power point for the five kingdoms! Whoo hooo! Made my printer happy and my mind is at ease- well, almost.

Next is a great picture of the five kingdoms that are sure to get anyone talking once they see these on your CC wall. I mean, how many adults can name these? Ok back to the link....

Great Picture to use as a visual

When you get there- skip on down to the bottom of the page and you will see an animal kingdom wheel. Yep, that's it! You can send it to yourself and use it from any tech device you have. Now isn't that handy? I also printed a copy and put it on my CC wall.

Last, but not least.... the mecca of all Ancient maps!!!! Who would have ever guessed one could be so excited about finding simple maps?

Easy to read maps for all!

Alright, my leg is falling asleep and I need to get some before the morning sun rises!

Thanks for visiting. Share some great resources and links if you can and I will post them on the site for all of us who are CCing it one day at a time! :)