
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Coming to a Computer Near You...

First off, I need to say, "THANKS!" I was not sure what or how these crazy ideas I have would pan out, but the feedback I've gotten has been so encouraging to me. Thank you all for your kind words and  interest in my blog/ plans.

I was just informed that one of the links on the lesson plan doesn't work, and I went on to check and it's true it was missing one little number... argghh! But nonetheless, I corrected it and anyone who gets them after this post gets the updated working link. 

The new link is See that "4", it was missing. :) It's the second web link to Day 1(Science).

Also the reader asked me about pictures of the activities. I just wanted to let you know the plan from here on out. This blog will still be a place I post the activities we do. I'm going to start our year early, so I can help all those people who are in early communities. I will post things that I have planned and let you hear about the highs and lows of the days.

So, yes, to let you know pictures will be coming to a computer near you. I know that "Earth Model" on Day 1 might be hard to visualize, and that is the reason I will post pictures before you do them. I just couldn't put pictures in the file or else it would have made it too lengthy to send via email. 

For right now, my goal is to finish the rest. Please pray that I can get them done before we begin.

 Just FYI, I will post on January 7th the activities of Day 1. Chances are it will be after they get to bed, so just check the blog that evening. If you have the lesson plans, you will be able to follow along easily. 

Best way to stay up to date is to just subscribe to the posts. Then you will see the examples right in your inbox.

Thanks to all who also signed up as members. I just want you to know I appreciate you doing that. 

All the comments have been so sweet to hear. I'm so excited for the new semester to take off. If you haven't received any lessons from me yet, please check the comments and make sure you left your correct email. I want to make sure everyone gets them before we start the new semester.

Here's my sweet little man with his Christmas gift from Santa. 
I feel just like the helicopter! 
I'm ready to start flying! 
Hopefully you are too!

Blessings to you!


  1. Hey... trying to order books on Amazon. There are several Usborne Encyclopedias- what's the exact title of the one you recommend?

  2. The newest is best, but I couldn't get a hold of that so I got this one. ISBN# 0794503322

    I figure any version is better than nothing. :) but the one I loved was the newest one.

  3. Hi Crecia,

    I just downloaded your week 13 plans from CC connected. They look great. I just have one suggestion, if you do decide to sell these, it may be a good idea to use a different font. The one you are using although a bit stylish, isn't very clear to read, or maybe it is just me. Something a bit more plain may make it easier to read your wonderful plans.

    Thanks and Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Yvanna. I'm listening and doing it. :)

      Have a great new years!

  4. Crecia,
    I am so greatful that God put YOU up to this CC planning thing. I felt very overwhelmed with 4 kids and needing to THINK and PLAN out some kind of tangible plan...and here in the 2nd semester, it was just not going to happen. ENTER CRECIA into my life and my dear friend Melody Stoud. Thank you. I will for sure be buying your plans and have really enjoyed the layout and 3 day schedule that is very doable. It has simplified our lives tremendously! THANK YOU. I can not wait to start this new semester and all Cycles to follow. We all love you and are VERY thankful. Marcie Lovvorn, Huntsville (Al.)

    1. Marcie, I'm so glad to hear this. Even more I'm glad they are simplifying your life and allowing you to keep doing what you do. Now I could use your prayers to get it all done before we start. :)

      Many blessings to you!

  5. For week 13 science:
    This quote in a B. toy pamphlet: " If you drilled through the Earth and came out the other side you'd be upside down. But if you drove there you'd be right-side up. That's why they have all these roads." Sawyer, 5.

  6. Crecia, thank you so much for emailing me the plan. I greatly appreciate it! After I printed it out, I am still having the same problem I was having from my computer. I am having a hard time reading it in the font you chose. Though it is a very pretty font, it is almost making my eyes cross. ;) Perhaps changing the font will makeit a bit easier on the eyes??? Thank you again for this huge task you are completing, you are blessing so many cc families! Megan

  7. I second what Marcie said...even the 4 kids part!! I tutor, and sometimes feel that after preparing for "class" that my kids get shortchanged. :) I will definitely be taking advantage of this!


  8. This is great! Can't wait to read more!

  9. Hi Crecia!

    I just left a question on another post, but have another. :)

    Is your plan to create the plans week by week or by some feat of superwoman amazingness will you have them all done before the semester begins?

    And then to clarify (this was my other question so you can ignore it there...) we're to find your work on CC connected? Or are you emailing them out? To help save $$ (things are tight around here), I'm considering putting my cc connected membership on hold but if you'll be posting your plans there that may change my plans... Thanks!


    1. Hi Carrie,
      Good questions! First, I'm planning to get 14-18 done by Jan 11th. I still have some things I'm waiting on before I can officially sell them.

      Second, I will sell them off my site and offer all the worksheets, resources on my site. I will post my Geography cards and History pages on CC 3, but again, all of that will be on my site. With that said, I would hate to see you not on CC3 because of my plans.

      The best way to stay connected here is to do two things: sign up as a member and sign up for emails. I hope this answers your questions.

      Blessings to you!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE these lesson plans! Can not wait to see the rest....will definitely be purchasing the whole set! Thank you SO much for all your hard are such a blessing to us all!

    Also, I would second the suggestions regarding font. The one in lesson 13 is difficult for me to read as well. Thanks again!

  11. I downloaded week 13 and I am so excited to get the rest of the weeks.
    Please let me know how to pay you for the other weeks.

  12. Please send me week 13, I'd love to view!


  13. I was so excited to stumble upon your new lesson plan and am very anxious to give it a try. I recently cancelled my CC connected account so I would greatly appreciate it if you could email me the plans for week 13 since the copy that you posted is not very clear. My email address is I do feel that $10-$15 is a very fair and reasonable donation. Thank you so much for all your hard work and I pray that God continues to guide you in this new endeavor :)

  14. I've started using your lesson plan and so far am enjoying it. Wanted to let you know that your first link on the History page isn't working.
