
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sneak Peak...

So, just wanted to let you know that I am still out here. Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything. We were on a family vacation until now. I'm working furiously to get the lesson plans completed in a new font and bigger size. One thing I'm adding is ISBN numbers to all the books, so there will be no confusion when searching your libraries, or websites. 

I added a page on the site to help you with that by making links to each one. Regardless if you buy the lesson plans, I want to share this with everyone, as one can't help but shout out great books that correspond with our weeks. Since everyone has Week 13 books from the lesson plan, I just went ahead and provided Week 14 Book List. This should make all the planners happy... :)

Thank you again for continuing to support my crazy endevores. I am really in need of serious prayer to get this HUGE project done and not lose energy, work throughout the night, get my regular chores done, and being loving to my family. :) Anyone else, relate?
No seriously, I would appreciate any prayers. I love doing this, and just want my family to love it also. Starting a small business in between semesters with a week to go, while on vacation, can be a little stressful. Thankfully, my husband has been awesome in taking the kids and allowing me to get things done, but come Monday he is off to work and I'm starting Week 13, so.... I seriously need some prayer. 

My plan is to have them ready by January 11 or 12th. I figure that would be the weekend before anyone needs Week 14. So I'm going to do my best to get it to you guys then. 

Exciting right? Well, actually the part I'm most excited about is raising money for charities I love. In advance I thought I would let you know who I would be donating a percentage of my profits to... a wonderful couple named Shelli and George Mwanza. They are dear friends who happen to be missionaries in Africa! I know isn't that great? They work on training young African nationals in leadership for their local churches, through an organization named "LXP." They raise money for their students to travel, live, and train while there in Jeffreys Bay and surrounding areas.
  Click here to visit their website.
I knew her from college and she is one of my dearest friends. I've wanted to do something special for them for a while, and this just seems to be right. Next six weeks it will be another charity I love.

 I so desire to serve God and glorify Him through this adventure of serving you guys. I've been so touched by your sweet comments and read each and every one of them thinking,
"God, only You knew how You were going to use this." 

Thank you for being so real and authentic - none of us have it all together. All of us are being asked to bring our fish and loaves so He can multiply. I love seeing God at work, it always makes me so excited to see Him in the everyday.

I pray that you would feel God's goodness and His lovingkindness today.
Regardless of where you are, or what your worries are, know that I'm praying for you to feel rest from your burdens and hear His voice through it all.

Blessings to you all!

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