
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Great Ideas from YOU!

So as promised... here are some truly fabulous ideas from a reader in Colorado. I love Colorado. My brother went to seminary there and during college I visited them about 15 times in 2 years. I knew I- 70 well. Then I lived there for 2 years before I got married. Oh how I miss the Rockies...

Ok, back on track. This wonderful reader, Erika, has been on a roll. 

She came up with great activities to do anytime, any week.

Her first one is a timeline for composers. So easy and so great for the kids to have a visual.

Then she came up with a song that goes with the periods.

It's sung to the song, "The Ants Go Marching One by One" and they sang it as a community. It sounds pretty fun. Here's what she wrote me...
We are a very small, brand new community. My director asked me to help her create a chant from an old poem she had. I took some liberties to change it a bit and made it into a song to help our community remember the periods of classical music and their dates.

It's sung in two parts. We divide the boys and the girls or the moms and the kids or by classes. The first group sings the names of the time periods while using the timeline signs. The second group drums on the floor 4 times, ba-boom...... Ba-boom while saying the dates. .....14.... 50
Everyone sings together... And it isn't over yet!! (As they all go marching down...tune)

Isn't this fantastic!!! I love how it all started and how God used her musical creativity.

Last but not least she sent me a simple way to review the grammar for the last twelve weeks.

So easy and so fun.
 I could see the kids doing os many things with this. Partners, self checking, quiet time, busy race, sort and stack, all kinds of ways. The possibilities are endless. 

Thanks so much for reading and checking out the site. If anyone else has some great ideas to share send them my may and I'd be happy to post about yours. :)

Many blessings!

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