
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 22 Science Links

So first off I want to say thank you for everyone who has sent me kind comments and encouraging emails about everything happening in life. Honestly though, in comparison, I realize a move and sale of a home is nothing compared to a real crisis. I'm thankful that we are all healthy and sane (well except me- but that's not from the move, I was on a train to crazy long before).

And next I have to apologize that I still have not the time to create plans for the ending part of the year. 

It's such a whirlwind, but honestly my creative juices are zapped when I'm stressed about the small stuff and big stuff. I feel like this is a purification process (and purging) for me. It's always good to lean closer to God and to see His hand in your life. I love the fact that thru the changes I hear His sweet voice, knowing He has all my burdens.

Today during our praise time we sang, "Cast Your Cares" from Seeds Family Music, their "Power of Encouragement" album. It was so perfect for me now. The chorus goes like this...

" Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He will sustain you, He will sustain you.
He will never never never let the righteous fall, ohhh oh, He will never never let the righteous fall."

Here's the song if you have time to hear it...

It's from Psalm 55:22. My son asked if we could play it over and over. He loved the beat and the words. It was truly a time I loved today. Slowly but surely, our time at home is looking more like I had envisioned. Of course we are almost 3 weeks from the end, but hey, at least we are getting the praise down. 

I bought this through iTunes but they also have a buy one get one free special through their web site. Wish I would have known about this before. They give the music chords away for free on their site, so cool when companies find ways to bless others who have less means.

Back to today...

I so needed to hear that truth. I think we all do. 
This is the time of the year that we get tired, get overwhelmed with what we haven't done, didn't get to and how messy the house is becoming. The weather (for those of us without snow storms) is getting warmer and we are beginning to catch spring fever. I want to head outside more than hanging inside.  

So let me encourage anyone who finds themselves in this same boat- we can finish well! 
By His grace and strength we will finish this well.  
For He will sustain you!

My children asked me what "sustain" meant and I was surprised at how that definition meant so much to me now. Our God is so amazing, I am so grateful at His many blessings and the way He does not leave us to be abandoned or not help us when we call out to Him. He is faithful, even if it is not what we want or envision, I know He will sustain me.

As for lesson planning, though, I have to admit, I am unfortunately having to start thinking more about this move and giving my kids a momma that is less plugged into technology as we make this trek across country.

My BFF told me weeks ago to not worry about the plans and just finish out CC as "normal"- and focus on my move and next year. My stubborn heart told her, "No, I could turn out a few more plans and still move my family." Well, here's my public acknowledgement that she was right. 

So although it's very late, here are my resources/ ideas for 
Science Week 22...

I'd love to say this is my wonderful idea, but it's not. It was made by a student and I found it through pinterest. Here is the blog if you want to read more about it.
Plus I'll do some of the experiments in the weather unit provided below and of course some fun cotton ball activities. I just need the time to get it all done. 

Here's a great resource on the different fronts... 

Here's a snapshot of their sheet.

I seriously love great free resources and this has to be one of them!

To wrap it all up I found some videos on You Tube...
I'd recommend watching them before you put your kids in front of them, some of them are long and you might be able to just have them watch the pertinent info. But nothing inappropriate, just might be a little over their head if they are 5 and 6, 7 on up would probably really get a lot out of them.

First one is a weather guys from Kansas... oh how I loved living in Kansas. I lived there for 8 years. Anyhow he talks about weather and meteorology and all that they do. I didn't see anything about fronts in particular, but it's taught indirectly through Bill Nye the Science Guy clips. He is worth the price of admission alone. I love Bill Nye!

The next one is shorter and gets into fronts near the end. I would fast forward a bit if you have young ones like me. :) But overall a great video.

And then there is the mecca of all...
A Free Weather Unit with supplies and experiments at your fingertips! 

That's all for Science.
 I will post more for Lesson 22 tomorrow. Also if there is anyone who would like to share some fabulous ideas with everyone about what you are doing at home, please send me your pictures. I'm going to dedicate a post this week to you guys showing me what fun things you have some up with. Please send anything fun (CC related) to my email at I look forward to posting about your ideas. 

Cast your cares upon Him, for He will sustain you.

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Take care Crecia! You are doing a lot plus the move! Take care of yourself! You cannot afford to catch a virus! Takeitslow and enjoy! CC will be there waiting on you!
