Geography Cards
Just right click and save to your computer.
I'm no longer using these, and don't have them up on dropbox anymore.
And we skip on over to And Here we Go for weeks 7-12
Here are Weeks 13-24!!! Whoo Hooo! Give a shout for the organized girl that is dying to come out once in a while! :)
And give me one more week and I will have all the map cards done for weeks 17- 24, I was on vacation for a week. :)
In the mean time, here are the ready made geography ones.
Lessons ideas in reverse order for Year 1
Lesson 23
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 21
Lesson 20
Lesson 19
Lesson 18
Lesson 17
Lesson 16
For a complete link to all my posts about lesson 16, click here.
Here's just a few fun things we did separated by subject.
For Science
We did Volcanoes. I mean who didn't do that?
Here's a link in case you need the recipe and or instructions.
Here's a link in case you need the recipe and or instructions.
The only thing I did differently was I used an egg carton sleeve instead of a plastic film canister.
And the rest was history... or science?
For History,
we made glyphs. If you would like to try to make one with us, you can and you can email it to me. I will have them all posted on the website, click here to see the samples. It is so much fun to receive these.
These are pages from my lesson plans. If you have any questions about the glyphs, just comment or email. :)
For Geography...
I am asking people to watch this video and consider raising money (in a small fundraiser way) for children who need good drinking water.
1. A short video (about 6 min) explaining the struggles and needs of the African people
near Lake Victoria.
This is the trash they throw in the lake and of course this is where children and families get their water from...
2. Here is a link to how Compassion International is helping families all over the world.
Compassion has had a long history of making sound decisions with money. They are rated among the highest in non profit organizations and above all are a Christian organization that cares about spreading the good news of Jesus.
Will you partner with us to make a difference in this world? If so, write me a comment and I can help you get started.
Wouldn't it be great if our children learned more than just the geography of Africa, but also had a memory of when they helped someone get good water there as well?
To start, I've spoken to our wonderful director and she is letting me ask the kids to "earn" money for a filter. We are going to make it a simple competition between girls and boys and will bring in our money in one week. We have abut 30 families in our community, so that averages to around $2/ family.
I get so very excited thinking about what God is going to do with that!
Lesson 15
For a complete link to all my posts about lesson 15, click here.
Here's just a few fun things we did separated by subject.
For Science
We watched a movie, studied our fact sheet, had the kids make paper mountains, topping it all with a song.
Here's the link to the movie:
"Farther than the Eye Can See"
It's about Erik Weihenmayer from Boulder, CO who is legally blind and climbs Mt Everest. He was the first blind man to climb Mt. Everest and the movie takes you through the journey and shows how he trained to do it. I wasn't sure if my kids would like it, but they surprised me and did.
Our science sheet was a great reference for me, go here to download.

For History, I have the Fact Sheet Template and tutorial on how to make your own here.
Plus here's a great link to making your own compass .
For Math,
Here's a great link for Metric Olympics
For Geography:
I used my Geography / Map cards
Lesson 14
For a complete link to all my lessons for 14, click here.
Or go below to break it down by day/ subject.
For Science we did a rock experiment, and loved making our rock candy.
Then we demonstrated and played "mix it up games" with legos that demonstrated the structure of rocks.
We made "Tower of Power" hats and play do mosques resembling Timbuktu.
For Math and Geography we made a measurement chart
and used our geography cards in a simple game.

I sell detailed plans that help you map out each day and all the activities for the week's lessons.
The plans include:
*Book Lists
*Web Links
*Material List
*Objectives for age groups (4-12yr olds)
*Step by Step Lesson plans for all the activities above, and
*Background information for linking the weeks together
We sell them for $6 (Week 14 and 15) and it's a downloadable link so you get it instantly.
Brandy from Half A Hundred Acre Woods did a review, please read there for more info.
To see a sample of them, you can download week 13 for free.
If you have any questions or need help,
I'm available at or
Lesson 13
Here are the fabulous web links that go along with my lesson plans.
Day 1 Links (Science)
Day 2 Links (History)
Day 3 Links (Geography/ Math)
Here is the link to the activities and extra resources for Science (Day 1) listed in my lesson plans.
Here is the link for History (Day 2) activities in my lesson plans.
Here is the link for History (Day 2) activities in my lesson plans.
Or try the link...
Here's our Science Illustrated...
(right click to save)
Or try the link...
Here's our Math Sentence Illustrated...
(right click to save)
Or try the link...
Gallon Man ClipArt and Words for activity on Day 3
In the lesson plans I have everyone making a "Gallon Man" here are the sheets you need to do so. The model is above and I printed out words so I could have it fast and easy for little ones.
(Right Click to Save)
Or try the link...
If the above links don't work, I will not be able to mail out the docs this week. I'm really trying to focus on weeks 14-18 so I can get those to everyone this weekend. I did put the on CC 3, so hopefully you will be able to either get them off here or there. :)
Here's a little something not in the plans, but I thought I would share. It's great for kids 7 and older.
Click on the link to download both the worksheet and answers so they can self check.
Here's a little something not in the plans, but I thought I would share. It's great for kids 7 and older.
Click on the link to download both the worksheet and answers so they can self check.
Lesson 12
Comparison Predictions: I will have the kids predict which container can hold more. We will use two obviously different ones and two similar sized ones. I will use the measuring tools for us and talk about the different types. Then we will go over our sheet of measurements I got from CC3.
This is a great measuring lesson for kids 6 and older (or maybe with a mature 5 yr old with a lot of parental assistance.) It covers more than just this week's objectives. It has a ton of great stuff that you can do with your kids to cover all the important measurements.
We will go outside and to identify which plants are changing and or dead, verses the evergreens and why they stay that way.
Then I will have them watch these videos.

Hmmm, a bit of a tougher subject today especially with all the wars in the middle east. I will age appropriately connect them to our more recent history when discussing this week's sentence. I will do a Venn Diagram chart for us about Christianity and Islam. Simple and to the point. They will cut out the clipart and paste up on the chart.
Connect the Geography to the History sentence and use our new cloth map to locate present day places.
If you haven't checked out my blog candy, you should. I'm giving away a cloth map just in time for Christmas and the new semester. :)
Make a prepositions video with pictures of them standing in different places. Simple and fun. And no materials necessary. :) My book idea was way too expensive, and the video can easily be done on my Mac.
Lesson 11
Go to the store, buy a flower that has all parts. Take it home, discuss each part. Flatten it in a book, wait a few days, open it up and label each part once dried. :)
Here's an idea we actually accomplished...
Here's the file for you to do the same.
Click on either tab for labeled or blank.
Click on either tab for labeled or blank.
Social Studies/ Geography:
* Use History Sentence Illustrated
* Read STOW 4, 39, 18-20
* Connect the Geography to the History sentence and use our new cloth map to locate present day places.
* make blank cubes with paper
* Use a block of cheese to demonstrate cubed and the original value (velveta), then count out noodles for the total to cook.- Ok , so I tried that and it was really hard, I then tried play dough cubes, it took long, so I suggest sugar cubes! If only I had thought of that before I started Week 11 :) Here are our pictures of it, but really, trust me and just use sugar cubes.
I showed here how the squared numbers and cubed numbers related...
* make a picture book of kids acting out prepositions and make a powerpoint using the photos. Then use for review during break. Yeah- I didn't do this one yet, but hope to do it by next week. :)
* Here's a great idea from another blog that I hope to do- but wanted to share regardless- Preposition Fill In the Blank
Lesson 10
Ok, so I'm super excited about Japan because I actually taught a unit on it last year with a good friend.
So maybe this week, I won't feel so behind the ball. :)
A great book if you can check it out at the library is this one.

It's a sweet story about the tradition they have in Japan regarding Kite day.
In fact, for the most part I don't love Disney books- movies yes, but books no. They tend to bore me as a reader, but this book my kids remember the story well and still talk about it.
We then followed it by making some carp kites ourselves. Very easy and very fun!
1) Get one sheet of Construction paper and line it about 1.5 inches apart. See below. 2) Get glue and paste scales made out of tissue paper (shaped as U's) onto the black lines. 3) Place some eyes on top, and staple the sides together. 4) Then last but not least attach streamers to bottom. I taped ours on, you can staple as well. It was very fun and went along perfectly with the book above.

Hang them outside and make everyone think, you are a cool mom. :)

In studying Japan we talked about how an island is formed and how many are formed by volcanoes under the sea. So we made our own volcano, because what kids doesn't like an explosion now and then?
Directions: 1) Get an empty water bottle with a (wide top)- gatorade works well. 2) Get playdough and cover the sides of the bottle in the shape of a volcano. Leave a hole on top to put baking soda. 3) Add food coloring on the outside. 4) Pour baking soda inside the bottle with a funnel. 5)Then have someone pour some vinegar inside and watch it explode.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for ongoing entertainment.

As for other great crafts and resources galore-
Lesson 10
Ok, so I'm super excited about Japan because I actually taught a unit on it last year with a good friend.
So maybe this week, I won't feel so behind the ball. :)
A great book if you can check it out at the library is this one.
It's a sweet story about the tradition they have in Japan regarding Kite day.
In fact, for the most part I don't love Disney books- movies yes, but books no. They tend to bore me as a reader, but this book my kids remember the story well and still talk about it.
We then followed it by making some carp kites ourselves. Very easy and very fun!
1) Get one sheet of Construction paper and line it about 1.5 inches apart. See below. 2) Get glue and paste scales made out of tissue paper (shaped as U's) onto the black lines. 3) Place some eyes on top, and staple the sides together. 4) Then last but not least attach streamers to bottom. I taped ours on, you can staple as well. It was very fun and went along perfectly with the book above.
Hang them outside and make everyone think, you are a cool mom. :)
In studying Japan we talked about how an island is formed and how many are formed by volcanoes under the sea. So we made our own volcano, because what kids doesn't like an explosion now and then?
Directions: 1) Get an empty water bottle with a (wide top)- gatorade works well. 2) Get playdough and cover the sides of the bottle in the shape of a volcano. Leave a hole on top to put baking soda. 3) Add food coloring on the outside. 4) Pour baking soda inside the bottle with a funnel. 5)Then have someone pour some vinegar inside and watch it explode.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for ongoing entertainment.
As for other great crafts and resources galore-
Lesson 9:
Ok, I love this worksheet because it's easy and simple and can buy you some time while teaching another child.
This was an idea from my friend, Lockett. She did this with her kids and I loved it so I did it with mine.
Next week when we do the flower we are doing it again- as pipe cleaners make even the very unartistic feel talented.
Social Studies/ Geography
Download by right clicking or go to the link...
I used this in conjunction with Melody's cards she made from And Here We Go.
I really like keeping the focus on both the map and the picture of the place. They matched up map cards with picture and might I say, even my 3 year old enjoyed the game. :)
This is how I placed them on our memory board. Of course ours was the older smaller version, the new cards are much better.
Download by right clicking or go to the link...
I used this in conjunction with Melody's cards she made from And Here We Go.
I really like keeping the focus on both the map and the picture of the place. They matched up map cards with picture and might I say, even my 3 year old enjoyed the game. :)
This is how I placed them on our memory board. Of course ours was the older smaller version, the new cards are much better.
Lesson 8
Um, where did this week go?
Oh, yeah. here's what we did...
Lesson 7
I made this as a quiz, review, or introduction to this week's memory work. Now I know the memory work is easy, so I put in some trick animals to really show the kids some things they might not have seen otherwise. It took way longer than I had hoped, but hey, hopefully it's helpful and therefore all worth it. :)
Show videos of each type:
Live Birth This video is a quick live birth of a miniature hourse. It shows the placenta and such. I think it's appropriate for kids, however there is a disclaimer at the beginning. So watch it first on your own. :)
Egg Hatching This video I found on pinterest. It's quick and to the point. I like the contrast of this one after the live birth to show how you can see the baby come out in a different outer coating.
If you haven't already checked out this jewel mine, than I encourage you to do so now. Like now! This is a great site for all sorts of activities, I love that she has a rocking lists of books on Missionaries and related Topics to Week 7.
Review Tic Tac Go game...
It's a review game with all our memory work on one sheet. The kids pick which square and based on the answer either get to put their "X" or their opponent gets to put their "O" if they get it wrong. :) Put it in a sheet protector and use dry erase to reuse the sheets. Weeks 5-7 are included. :)
Social Studies/ Geography
If you haven't already checked out this jewel mine, than I encourage you to do so now. Like now! This is a great site for all sorts of activities, I love that she has a rocking lists of books on Missionaries and related Topics to Week 7.
For an activity this week I'm going to divide our room into three squares with blocks. Each block will represent a different castes' system. The rich ones will have lots of clothes, food, beautiful housing, toys, the TV, etc. The poor area will be set up as a tent, and the middle class will have a couple of each things in it. I will then explain how this is what the system is like in India and how you are not to be friends with or marry anyone in another caste system. When we do this I will post pictures so you can see how it turns out. :)
Review Tic Tac Go game...
So with the bigger numbers, I really want the kids to visualize the numbers. I grabbed old strips of card stock and had Tony glue noodles in the count of 15. The next step is to write the numeral on each strip and show the progression. For week 10, I'm going to use some kind of square snack. Regardless, you can use whatever you have in your pantry. :) If I do this again, I'd use flatter noodles. These were a little tricky to not roll.
Lesson 6
Science Chart Paper: Have your child draw their favorite (or cut and paste) picture of each one. Discuss what makes each groups it's own and the characteristics they all share.
My science song (with sounds effects for each one). For the first sound I'm making a fish face while doing a "fish kiss", for the second I'm hopping like a frog, for the third my hand is slithering like a snake, for the fourth I hold my arms out as I'm rocking a baby, for the last I flap my arms like a bird.
Review Tic Tac Go game...
It's a review game with all our memory work on one sheet. The kids pick which square and based on the answer either get to put their "X" or their opponent gets to put their "O" if they get it wrong. :) Put it in a sheet protector and use dry erase to reuse the sheets. Weeks 5-7 are included. :)
Geography/ History
Have the kids act out the unfair taxes the Roman Government started to tax on the people and get them to understand why they didn't want the government to rule anymore.
My Geography Jingle Here's my tough man Roman Empire song, because let's face it you can't do the Roman Empire in a wimpy voice. I'm going to encourage my kids to look tough and mean when saying it. :)
Review Tic Tac Go game... (see above)
Lesson 5
Play Dough Snacks
Make them out of Play dough after looking at the cards. Then put on a tray and serve them up on dishes. Have the kids guess which group they are called.
This can be started in week 5 and finished in week 6! Great idea! Love how she set it up. By the way you can get those card envelopes at the dollar store. :)
Social Studies/ Geography
Do it for any week. They are quick and easy to make! After they memorize the sentence have them use the thumbprints. Then when they are done have them draw out their favorite scene using a different perspective (tying in art from this week).
Review Tic Tac Go game... (see above)
Lesson 5
Do Memory cards for Invertebrates
Play Dough Snacks
Make them out of Play dough after looking at the cards. Then put on a tray and serve them up on dishes. Have the kids guess which group they are called.
Invertebrate Lap Book
This can be started in week 5 and finished in week 6! Great idea! Love how she set it up. By the way you can get those card envelopes at the dollar store. :)
Social Studies/ Geography
Do it for any week. They are quick and easy to make! After they memorize the sentence have them use the thumbprints. Then when they are done have them draw out their favorite scene using a different perspective (tying in art from this week).
Review Tic Tac Go game... (see above)
Lesson 4
Plant Cell Well, while there are many ideas out there, we did ours as concrete as possible and just improved our items.
Social Studies/ Geography
In our Co op, we made Joseph's Dream coat using butcher paper and clay stamps that hung around the necks. They symbolized the signature stamps Sumerians used long ago. Kids loved and it was easy to do. :)
Weeks 1-6:
Use any of the ideas listed on our Math Page or go with some of these...
Extra ideas that apply to all weeks:
Pattern Search
Circle the 9's and 10's on a hundred's chart. Ask your child to write them down on a long strip of paper (register paper is best if available)- if not you get the idea. Give them one color marker for ones, another for 10's, and another for the 100's. Ask them what they see.
In the 9's they will see a pattern 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 and repeat 9,8... they can even go on to predict.
I use to do this with my 2/3rd multiage and they loved it!
Repeat with 10's place and so on.
Do with both numbers (9's and 10's). This one is great for understanding that all math has a predictable pattern.
Then take a sticky note and cover up a number, after letting them figure out the pattern have them guess what comes next. At this point I would also explain to them the strategy of skip counting.
Place Value Straws
11's Memory Cards
For the 11's I'm going to just do an old fashioned memory game. Print these out on card stock. I really just want my son to learn the names of numbers here. As I said earlier, my objective is not mastery at this point, just number identification and concepts of skip counting. The great thing about this is I can do it with my daughter as an activity she will understand as well. :)
Lesson 3
Week 3:Animal Cell Jello
I love this! This will take some planning and buying a head of time, but there's nothing like 3D! And it's yummy enough to eat, I mean why not?
I love that she gives examples of how to apply this in a way that young children will understand it.
What a cool and quicker idea than the jello idea!
This one might be one to hang in the room! I can only imagine a room filled with these. :)
Social Studies/ Geography
Lesson 2
Living Kingdoms Book
Nature walk around, trying to collect as many as samples of each animalia and plantae, plus searching for some fungi lurking below. Take pictures of all of them, find some pics on the internet that you couldn't find outside, make a book using the computer or good old cut and paste. Don't want to do ink? Just have them bring their science journals around. I like Walmart in this case because you can get the photo books made in about an hour and the kids can see the work of the labor. Plus it makes for a great review that is meaningful to them. We're going to make this our presentation for this next week. I will post when we do it.
Social Studies/ Geography
(Like ours on the blog)
We have ours almost complete! Hopefully he likes it enough to play with it later. :)
Make a video or just take pictures of the kids dressing up and reenacting the division of the two parts of Egypt.
(Like ours on the blog)
We have ours almost complete! Hopefully he likes it enough to play with it later. :)
Make a video or just take pictures of the kids dressing up and reenacting the division of the two parts of Egypt.
Any week...
An idea from my friend, Lis.
Print off some maps and have them place chocolate chips on the locations. If they get it wrong, they try again. Once they get it right, they get to eat it. We use mini's because the regular sized ones can sometimes cover up the smaller things and it's less sugar but still fun. :)
I'd love to see a picture of Joseph's coat. Another good one for the 5 Kingdoms is to make a pizza which will have at least 4 of the kingdoms represented.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great Idea for pizza. My son just asked to make pizza this week, what a fun way to review.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely post the picture of the coat when we get it finished. It's a lot of coloring so we may change it to painting. :)
Thanks for sharing such creative ideas!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lisa. I hope it makes your days a little more fun. :)
Deleteoh yeah...I think the caste system project will be a hit.
ReplyDeletedo you have the Caedmon's Call CD "Share the Well"? It has several Indian songs on it with Indian singers. Might be a good way to listen to what India sounds like.
Might be on you tube too
and now that I am thinking of it, there are so many spiritual lessons to learn too...once you are born into a caste you can't move to another caste. How different from what Christ offers! We were all in the lowest "caste" in terms of being sinful and separated from God, but Christ made a way to get out of that caste in into the highest possible caste we could be in--the royal caste. so instead of being trapped in the little tent with nothing we can move to the "rich" section.
ReplyDeleteIllustrated history sentence. Great, great idea. Are those also available? Will they be included with your weekly lesson plans? I am so excited to get those!
ReplyDeleteYour hands on stuff for math is amazing!
I found your blog through the file sharing area on the Classical Conversations site. I'm so glad I found it! Your ideas are great--thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jennifer, if you are interested in more lesson plans please sign up as a member on the site and subscribe by email. I will be posting those soon.
Where did you get the map of ancient India it is beautiful!?
ReplyDeleteTricia it is through a company called Map Trek. I got it through a giveaway before the year started. If you email me I can send you the table of contents so you can see what maps they offer. They are great maps, but they set I have only covers ancient history. Another great resource is through National Geographic Maps. NG is free and you can even do large table top maps as well.
when i right click on the images above (geography cards, etc) it only saves a screenshot, which is a small size of the pictures. is this the size you would reccomend?
ReplyDeletecould you email me your reply?
ReplyDeletethanks so much!
Hi there! I am new to Classical Conversations and love the snapshot of the illustrated history sentences. Where can I find those? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe history sentences were only given with the lesson plans. Unfortunately they aren't available except through the blog right now.
DeleteDo you have the week 19 geography card?
ReplyDeleteHey! I love the Geography cards! Just wondering if you have the weeks that are missing from the other tab. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic. If possible, as you gain expertise, would you mind updating your blog with extra information? It is extremely helpful for me. florarie florisis